Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I have a puppy and I can't housebreak her :( ?

Hi, I have a 14 week old husky puppy and she's jut not picking up on the housetraining! She's basically never left alone apart from at night, where I get up in the night and take her outside! I know that she probably can't hold her bladder but it seems like she's not even trying! We bought her quite young, so I don't know if that's partly the problem, but obviously I can't do anything about that now! This is my first dog and it's so stressful! She will walk to the door 50% of the time, where I take her straight outside and then praise and treat her! But if I go upstairs for like half and hour she will have gone the toilet somewhere! And in the night shell poo like 3 times! Even though I wake up and take her out! Other times I'll take her outside to pee and shell just start running around and playing, and then the second I bring her in shell just pee on the floor! I guess I'm just worried that this isn't just because she's a puppy but that there's some proper issues, and need some reassurance that I'm handling everything correctly! Shes never left alone because Im a student so I'm always here. I did start her paper training when we first had her, but so many ppl where adamant that it was a bad idea that I stopped doing it, but it just means I have to clean up mess in the house every single day! Any advice would be appreciated xxxx

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