Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why is my face always so oily?

Ok so I am 11 and I am like really oily...all the time. Only really on my nose a little part of my cheeks that is close to my nose and my lower forehead. It is really embarrassing and if you rub your finger against my nose it is all wet and cold and slippery it is sooo nasty and also my nose is always shiny. I have big red zits all across my nose and I'm not allowed to use makeup so yeaa that sucks. I usually eat healthy maybe like a plate of potato chips every 2 days but I mean I have lots of friends that eat super unhealthy and greasy food and BAGS of greasy potato chips every day and they have beautiful clear skin. Also I do use shampoo and conditioner in my hair every day and I make sure I wash out all the conditioner while bending backwards as to avoid getting it on my face. I have this face scrubber soap sheet things that I use in the shower and rub against my face they make all the oil go away not really the shine but the oil comes back the next morning. I usually never wear my hair down and tie it up tight when I go to bed so none of the products I use in it (sometimes a little bit of hair shine products not much though and I don't use it that often) don't get on my face. Well why is my face always so oily and do u know any products that can help this???

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