Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why do I have to appear before a judge for not having my drivers license on me?

Two weeks ago I was in a car accident rear ended in rush hour traffic. I was messed up pretty bad so I was being checked out by the medics when the police officer arrived to take the report,so one of my passengers handed the cop my insurance and registration. The cop spoke with me in the ems while i was being checked asked for my license I handed him my work ID because that's all I had in my pocket. Well he gives me a ticket for refusal to display drivers license ordinance #435.06 and I was scheduled for court today waited in court with all my documents only to be told I had to see a judge and see another judge because I was involved in an accident and the traffic court magistrate couldn't dismiss it. No one at the Court house could explain to me why he couldn't dismiss my ticket when he had dismissed several others for display of drivers license right before my eyes. Does anyone know what difference it makes that I was in an accident compared to a regular traffic stop ? I have never had a ticket before so I have no experience with this matter ( crappy part is my drivers license was in the car on the floor that's how hard we were hit everything flew around including me and my two passengers). If it helps i live in cleveland ohio .

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