Sunday, March 6, 2011

Problems with my marriage.?

hi, i am a filipina married to American husband he is my one and only true love, we've been together for almost 4 years now, Ive got some concerns in my marriage that i tend to ignore because of my love to him, i came here in the the state to be with him and to be build our own family together but sadly to say it wasn't what i expected because he is always busy of everything ( well maybe sometimes i gets his attention but very rare) sometimes i feel that we are just a roomate! dont get me wrong my husband is a good provider, friendly, happy person, works all the time, cool husband i would say however he tends to be a controlling partner because up until now i don't drive yet i ask i need to drive because i want to help him financially i want to be able to work and have a little freedom just even going to the grocery store by myself and not to wait him whenever he finish his work for the day, since we used to owned a an old stick shift car i refused him to use that but he was very persistent about it so time came when i decided to practice the car he said that the car is not in a good condition its not safe for you to practice the car, so later we decided to buy a new car i ask him in a first place that i wanted an automatic car but he was still very persistent about me having a stick shift ( yeah i know some people said its fun) but i don't like that...i want to be able to use as my daily basis car, so we ended up buying a stick shift and now i know how to drive stick shift,,,Ive been failing my Road test that is so frustrating because i don't have enough practice because he doesn't have time for me(maybe practice twice a month), everytime i take the test i am using my friends car because my husband said that it would be easier to use automatic car...i am just to tired of everything im to the point that i want divorce.. coz i feel like im a prisoner here in my own home... why cant he respect my decisions... i feel so useless in my life... i cant do anything without his permissions. i feel so trap, cant drive, not working, not doing anything arrrg... any advice is much appreciated.

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