Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How can I explain this to my husband? Or am I in the wrong here?

Hey all. I'm married and we have a 16 (17 soon) month old daughter. I love her to death but she can be a handful at times. My husband is the classic pushover dad. She is sitting in her high chair when we eat and she throws food down and around and also, the toys she has, on the floor, hard. She thinks it's funny. Though I totally understand that she has to do those things for her development, I however tell her in a very soft way, it's not right to throw food or things on the floor. And I don't praise her for doing it. When my husband comes home from work and she does the same thing, he yells "well done" to her and does it along with her. He says she can do whatever she wants, she's 16 months. I don't agree with this type of parenting. I want her to be free to do whatever she wants, but telling her softly that this is not considered ok to do once or twice is not hindering her I think. He thinks we should let her destroy the house if she wants to. She is a different child when she is with me and a totally different one when he comes home. How can I explain to him that SOME rules, a LITTLE bit of very very soft discipline, without in any way hindering her development, are necessary? Or do you think I am doing something wrong here? Honest opinions please, thank you

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